


Psychology means psycho + Logos. That's means it is a mental knowledge. Latin words Psycho means Mind or mental and logos means Knowledge. So psychology means mental knowledge or Maid knowledge which is applicable in many fields in human or animal life. So psychology means.


We can describe psychology is a mental and human behavior science.

  1. Psychology is a science. because it's can be manipulated in laboratory or in a Human life work.
  2. Psychology is a life time education of a human being. We know that every Human work is related to behavior so psychology is related to life time observational education.
  3. Psychology makes how to make or do nay job in a office or with family member.
  4. Psychology Do many facilities for Human like make faster and smooth lifeline time table work.
  5. Psychology makes work for human science for studying next generation.
Without psychology we can now say that Human that's have no Life. Definition-of-Psychology now making clear idea about psychology. So psychology for human and Human for psychology. It's a single part and we are unable to divide it.
Now we will describe fields of psychology.
  • Educational psychology. 
  •  Industrial psychology. 
  •  Counseling psychology.

Educational psychology mainly describe about educational system of a child How to give education to them. Educational psychology is also known as child psychology. So child psychology describe about educational system and Teacher-student relationship also. Educational psychology is now based on this type topics. Teacher-Student relationship makes the way how to build relation with each other. We can now divide education given process. When teacher on says and students only hair what he are saying that's called one way education. When teacher makes voice with student and student share their knowledge with teacher that is called two way education system. Psychology mainly focus on two way education that's clear and no need to say.
Industrial Psychology mainly focus on industry based factor like Work hour, room temperature, pay-scale, bonuses, treatment etc. Work hour is a main factor for describing psychology because when work hour increased the production level will decreased. Room temperature is also a factor for producing more and more product. When room temperature is not good production level decreased. Psy-Scale also depends for producing production. Psychology says that pay-scale, bonuses and treatment facilities needs to give them regularly.
Counseling Psychology is mainly a based of psychology because this is the way to make or remake attitude for our society and family also. Counseling psychology makes good way to produce better thinking also. When a person think wrong he or she makes easily do wrong work. So firstly we needs better thinking for our life and makes good idea for our life. After then we can get a most enjoyable life. Counseling psychology says please makes yours mind for thinking Positive, Work positive and Get a enjoyable life.
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